If your credit card is declining for any reason, a message will appear on the screen with the reason for decline. The most common reason credit cards decline are:
- Your bank restricts online wagering transactions. If you have tried a VISA card and been denied, we recommend you try a MasterCard or use a different deposit method such as EZmoney or EZbank. These funding methods are both transfers from your bank account and have no service fees associated with them.
If we know your bank has restricted online wagering transactions, you will see the following message after typing in your card number:
2. Address Verification. When you enter your credit card information online, your address is pre-populated with the information that is on file for your wagering account. Please review and verify this information. If the billing address for your credit card is different then what is pre-populated, you will need to change the information in the address fields to match your credit card billing address.